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Writer's pictureMissionman

"You can make anything by writing". C S Lewis

When was the last time you had a dream and would start with excitement?

The images and words come flowing out of your being, it was important to get these thoughts and words written down. The reality became obvious when you woke from your dream and you could not remember what it was that was so exciting. ,

That blank sheet of paper sitting in front of you demanding that you populate it with words.

'Words are free':

Words to affirm, to challenge, to make life better.

Word that may not always be acceptable to some folks,

Words that you may wish you had said.

Words you regret.

Word to challenge current main stream thoughts.

Words that find their Genesis from a Christian perspective.

The social media sow's what it reaps.

The harvest we seek is to affirm you the individual, to let you know that there are sacred word that lead to the fulness of life. They do not transport you to realm of hurt and evil.

Shalom. A word you may be familiar with. We often use it to mean 'Peace, as in 'I had a peaceful night last night.' Enjoying a very lovely calming place and saying, 'This is very peaceful.' It is full of wellbeing and comfort, undisturbed by the anxiety of the surrounding world. Shalom is a word that come from the Hebrew and is use in the bible to bring wholeness and meaning to the Kingdom God created. In its fullness the word can be translated to mean; 'The wholeness of things as God created them to be.' A world without violence, without pain and hurt. A completeness that transcends what men and women have done to creation. It is God's desire that we live as Shalom people, however we do not, the world view is of selfishness and greed, of blame and hurt, of nimby-ness. I'm all right jack.

Shalom is so much more than 'peace', so much more. Shalom first of all is a gift from God, it is his shalom. God gives his shalom to us when we know and understand the breakdown of this world and then we seek his forgiveness. His promise is to give us this forgiveness and in the process we become Shalom people. There are some fundamentals about faith, because that is what this is about. Acceptance of the broken relationship to God; His desire to heal that brokenness and the role of His Son Jesus in the process. It form the basis of a faith driven relationship[ to Jesus and a fundamental building block of Christianity.

To deny the premise is to deny self, therefor no Shalom.

People Matter More Than Things: therefor you matter.

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