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Writer's pictureMissionman

Yesterday... Fair Play died.

What stands out is the juxtaposition between professional sports people wearing armbands that say 'Respect', 'Fair Play' and other such like comments and being ref carded for abuse. But I wonder if wearing an armband that is supposed to reflect the persons id/team/company logo reflects the individuals real persona?

Football: The rant, the red cards, the win at all costs, taking one for the team, all seem to work against the health of a football regime that is in many ways an ugly sport. The chants that lambast and demonise opponents and their supporters, incidents perpetuated over decades on behalf of the team that constantly blame 'the other side' and the lack forgiveness.

Seeing children at the recent FA Cup match where players and manager are given red cards and sent of the field of play because of their abuse highlights the vulnerability of their actions in front of the children who were at the match. These so called hero's are the worst kind of example of Respect. Shame on them. Shame on the culture that demands the worst kind of emotional outburst (and to a certain degree violence) in front of children as examples of 'Fair Play' footballers.

Where is goodness?

Bringing 'club mascots' onto the pitch, holding hands with the team players is not a symbol of care and love, it exposes children to what is to follow, so the example is set. An unlikely symbiosis between win at all cost and the innocence of children. How ugly can it get.

The bible has an example of Jesus sharing thoughts on relationships. In his example he demonstrates how precious children are and in doing so gives a warning not to miss-use or abuse them. This was not supported by an fair play/respect arm band; it is at the heart of love and care for the child, for when innocence has gone its gone for good. Football particularly takes away innocence, it is demonstrated each and every week wherever playing fields are crowded by footballer of all ages.

Love your neighbour as yourself would not appear on any armband in any sport, it belongs to the heart and Spirit of those who follow The Way.

Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life.'

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