Without me doing anything I am going to get a a National Alert send to my cell phone..
This got me wondering - why?
My question, 'why', is much more to do with big brother acting on my behalf and creating a feeling of insecurity. I don't feel safe for a number of reasons,
Firstly is this alert a consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine? The threat of an angry small minded insecure president who happens to be evil in his thoughts and actions and considers that unlimited unhinged power is the way to exercise that noxious power.
Has this been the real reason behind big brother taking over the electronic airways, a fear of the unknown.
I was made to sit up with the thought that driverless cars are going to be allowed back onto our roads. Lots in the national press this last week or so. But I found myself asking, who gives permission for such decision making. The more I thought about it the more I considered powerful influencers cashing in, in some shape or form. Who or why would we want cars without drivers on our roads. Why bother with driving licenses, driver training, the highway code, why bother with car insurance, MOT, it's just another cause to lie awake at night worrying and getting ready to jump into my driverless car when my mobile phone national alarm goes off because some unhinged monster has pushed the wrong button! Where am I driven to...
I thought taking an oath to serve people for the betterment of the nation is and was a great ideal. It brings confidence into our public systems, it brings peace of mind, raises the esteem of those who benefit from such mighty selfless giving; but just lately I have begun to wonder; how much is integrity worth in cash terms.
No peace? Know Peace
Jesus said:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives you. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. John Gospel Chapter 14: 27.