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Updated: Dec 8, 2023

Kingdom Man

What I’m referring to is the Kingdom of God both here on earth and in the heavens above. The Kingdom being God’s heavenly domain upheld by Jesus Christ through his body the church.

God’s kingdom also refers to God’s reign on earth through Jesus his Son, and His reign in our hearts. This includes our acceptance of His Kingship and our obedience to His rule. We acknowledge that in His kingdom, the first shall be last, the way is a narrow way, the fragile and broken are blessed, we love our neighbour and we rejoice when the lost are found.

Jesus chose a group of men to follow him; ultimately one couldn’t stick with it and betrayed Jesus; shunned by those for whom he acted, seen as the betrayer he found himself in a very lonely place leading to his untimely suicidal death. I’m sure when the other men in the group found out they were shocked; quite rightly.

Others whom Jesus had chosen went onto become Kingdom Men. Men who stood in places of danger, places where Christians were as yet still of an unknown quality, building the church, with Jesus as its head.

King David, (mentioned in the Old Testament) was such a man. He could truly be called a Kingdom Man. Chosen by God to lead his nation. He was a successful ruler of his people. Yes, he did some things that were not right, he made mistakes, and he was called to accoun, he grew old and wise in the process. The bible tells us that “When King David was old and well advanced in years; he could not keep warm even when they put covers on him.” (1 Kings 1:1)

This vital man knew the aging process and just when he thought retirement was around the corner his son Adonijah tried to take the kingdom from him by force. King David wanted an orderly handover of power; another son Solomon, was his choice. Therefore, even as he shivered in his blankets old King David was still determining the future of the Kingdom. He remained a Kingdom man. As David begins the process of succession of the earthly kingdom, with all its subsequent rights; sitting on the royal throne, governing a nation and its people, commanding armies; representing God on earth, David says to Solomon his successor,

“So be strong, show yourself a man and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in his ways, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and requirements, as is written in the Law of Moses, so you may prosper in all you do.” (1 Kings 2:2-4)

So Solomon became the new Kingdom Man of God.

As God established King Solomon as a Kingdom Man so he was looking into the future into an age still to come, and seeing the need for new Kingdom Man. A Messiah who would save people from their sins.

God sent two Kingdom men to help in the process:

Firstly, there was John (the baptiser) who went about telling everyone that the 'New Testament Kingdom Man' was coming. John was a new Kingdom Man, but he was not the expected Messiah.

Secondly, there was Jesus, who truly was the Messiah; the New Kingdom Man. Chosen to represent God here on earth Jesus carried a message that was relevant to everyone that ever lived. His kingdom was not as we understand kingdoms to be; for example, King Davids or King Solomon’s kingdom, or even current contemporary kingdoms. This new kingdom was the heavenly kingdom that Jesus had become the guardian of.

The Kingdom is the Good News of God’s reign on earth, and consequently His reign in our hearts. It is about Jesus’ Kingship and our obedience to His rule. In His kingdom, sin is forgiven, the poor fed, the blind see, and the leper healed, the dead raised to life; where the first shall be last, those who are lost found, and we rejoice with those whose names are written in the book of life.

To a certain extent it’s a bit of an upside-down story because this Kingdom can only be accessed by accepting an incredible free invitation. Jesus said anyone can accept this invitation to come into this Kingdom irrespective of background. The normal background checks identifies that you have all the right credentials, safeguarding confirms that your eligible, exemplary references provide evidence that you’re on the right track, prior experience helps to ease the way, bribes won’t cut it, medals and titles of little consequence. What are the perfect set of qualifications that work every time – recognising that you are sinful. Transformation happens when we accept that The Kingdom Man, Jesus, made it wholly his campaign to open the gates of the Kingdom to as many men (and women) as possible. He did this by accepting our sin on the cross, taking our sin upon himself and going to the grave where because he was sinless was able to leave sin behind when he rose from the dead. Yes, he rose from the dead. All we need to do is ask him for forgiveness and say to Jesus; ‘Jesus forgive me my sins and be my Saviour.’ Jesus always say’s yes and he will come with power into your life.

By accepting this incredible invite, approval is a given, we are transformed and stand before Gods throne as Kingdom men alongside King David, King Solomon. Apostles John, Peter, Luke, Mark, Paul. Men like Stephen, Barnabas, and so many more incredible men, right up to this present day..

You may already be a Kingdom Person, fantastic!

If you’re not a kingdom person, only you can do something about it. Becoming a Kingdom Person is personal. Don’t get left behind…

Stay blessed.

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