I read this quote somewhere, I cant remember where but it stuck with me;
"You don't get a second chance to make a first impression".
I like this a lot. I have heard from people and in my own experience that first impression count. For example, as you walk into that job interview decisions are made in the twinkling of an eye on your suitability. What is perceived, the first impression, by those undertaking the interview adds weight to their decision making and may unconsciously affect the outcome.
Someone I know runs a recruitment agency. High profile jobs for top post in industry require candidates to undertake complex measuring assessments of which there are many in the market place, the candidate will have to demonstrate high level cognitive skills and ability. Their human interaction is measured, in many cases this is performed through intricate forms of assessment. But you know it might just all boil down to, 'on first impression, do they like you?'
It is equally true on meeting someone for the first time, an instant like/dislike is the first impression. I'm sure that has happened to all of us.
I look at the conflicts that are happening all over the world and sometimes wonder if the person behind a particular conflict, a Trump, or a Putin, whomever, would I like them on first meeting? I am of course influenced by the media and as a consequence dislike what I see of the war in Ukraine, in the lies and deceit of powerful junta's and dictators. Can I be influenced to change my mind when I already judge and therefor the first impression cannot be shifted. The words that conjure up evil, bringing hatred to the forefront, words that are free but so damaging. It is not just those who spew out these words but also those who choose to be associated with these words and by definition are part of the root cause of the evil they create.
We can contribute to the evil words; or we can bring a contribution, that in some quarters will raise objections. This is the word, Love. Especially in the context of what the bibles teaches. 'To love one another.'
To 'love your neighbour as yourself'. It is simple bible teaching and yet we get in the way of its application and make it so difficult.
Jesus fully demonstrated 'love' both in the fullness of the word and in response to the evil and hatred that opposed him. It may well be your 'first impression' of Jesus, he failed the interview. Or as so many people discovered the 'second impression' counted for so much more. Give it your best and find that Jesus love outweighs the evil that is perputated in this world